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Updated: Feb 13, 2024

Posted on 18 January, 2016 at 0:35

The Bible says in Romans 8:17 And if children then heirs- heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him (ESV). People get very excited when they hear the first portion of the passage of scripture. I can't really blame them because when you learned that you are an heir to a God that owns everything, you have no choice but to get excited. The Bible says the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, that means everyone and everything belongs to God. Watch this! If it belongs to your Heavenly Father because you are child and heir, it also belongs to you. The awesome thing about our Heavenly Father is, that he is willing to share his riches with us right. Remember the blessing of the Lord make rich and he has giving us the power to get wealth (somebody ought to give him a praise for that)


When you preach the first portion of this scripture you can get the whole congregation on their feet, and the “amens” will be flowing. People love to hear about the blessing of God, and what they are entitled to. People are bold when it comes to their stuff, they are willing to go into the Devil’s territory to get what belongs to them (y'all know I'm talking right). There are many songs proclaiming it's time to go get everything that the Devil stole from you. Even I blast that Tye Tribett song, singing "give me my stuff back I want it all!" (that's right I'm telling on myself). We all love the benefits we receive by being a child and heir of God, and that's absolutely fine.


However, we must not forget about the last portion of this passage of scripture, yep the suffering part. The scripture says provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. We all want to reap the good benefits of being a child and heir of God’s, however to many of us mummer when it comes to the suffering. The Bible says "provided we suffer", when you look up the definition of provided it says - on the condition or understand. The synonyms are assuming, assumption, and contingent, that means your access as a heir of God is contingent, and the assumption, and under the condition that you understand you must also suffer with Christ (I'm trying to help somebody). To often we fall apart because of trails, tribulation that we suffer. Some of us literally get mad at God, because we prayed and prayed but we find ourselves still suffering with certain things (I'm talking right!) Unfortunately too many of us allow the enemy to convince us that we have done something out of the will of God, and we are suffering the consequences of our action. Where are the Jobs of today who will say yes I'm going through something, but I know it's not because I'm out of the will of God. Where are the Jobs of today who will say, “Though he slay me yet will I trust him!” (my God I felt that thing)

Listen suffering is one of the things that comes with being a part of the Royal Family, it's now a part of your DNA. We must always remember that nobody told us that the road will be easy; however, always know that he will not allow you to suffering more than you are able to stand. When you understand the word of God you know that, many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God see them through them all. When you have the mindset that weeping may endure for the night, but joy is coming in the morning; you go through knowing that you’regoing to come through. (I feel like leaping)


People of God listen there are some great benefits to being a child and heir of God; however, you cannot have one without the other. We must suffer with Christ to be joint heirs with him. Remember our Heavenly Father knows how much we can handle. I know it might seem like your hanging from a thread, but remember in your weakness that's when our Lord can show himself strong. Be encouragedtoday and know that our Heavenly Father sits high but never forgets to look low, and He is concerned about you!


Evangelist Banks

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